
Datura (Inoxia) is one of the flowers from the moon garden I cultivate and the inspiration for this textile work. These are flowers that open during the evening and night and attract night pollinators such as moths and bats. Datura is also known as Thorn Apple, that refers to the seed pod with sharp spikes. That is why I decided to illustrate the stem of the plant as a double-edged sword. The flower is white as many of these night flowers, so I choose to work with white, reflecting, and transparent materials.

Hand sewn with silk, acrylic, cotton thread and silver tread. It is about 2 meters. Datura was shown at Østfold Art Center in the Summer Exhibition.

Liliana Borge

Details of Datura




Nicotiana (Alata) is a moon flower and the inspiration for this textile work. As part of this project I have cultivated a moonlight garden with a range of flowers, such as Ipomoea Alba, Datura, Lemon balm, Ipomoea Alba and this flower. These are flowers that open in the evening and at night, and that relates back to sound works about the moons of our solar system in this project.

Based in symbolism of moons, tarot and mythology, I chose translucent and reflecting materials that talks about illusion and the subconscious. Hanging textiles for me describe both the physical and the metaphysical world, representing portals into an understanding of the intimate parts of the personality. In its softness it is gentle, covering and revealing, but also makes it easier to be distracted and lose your footing.

The work is hand sewn with two different types of silk, cotton thread and iridescent material, and the textile work about 2 meters, attached to a wooden construction. First shown at Månefestivalen and then at Østfold Art Center.

Liliana Borge

Details of Nicotiana


Reflections and words disappearing - short clip

Liliana Borge

Reflections and words disappearing


Short clip of a video work that is part of the sound section of this project. The sound works are recordings of whispering of moon names from the moons we have discovered and named in our solar system. Working with nightly field recordings of bats with nature an city sounds. I also filmed and this video is focused on reflections in water during day and night time, composed in transparent layers.

The video work and 7 sound works was finished at a residency at Notam